
This is for those whose next step is going public with their faith


You have accepted Jesus as your savior, now what? Your next step is to be baptized. Baptism is one of those words you don’t hear very often. Baptism is a way to go public with your faith, it is an outward sign of an inward change. In Baptism you identify with Jesus in his death, burial and resurrection by being immersed in water. It is symbolic of being raised to new life in Christ and looks forward to the day when we will be raised from physical death to new heaven and new earth. This practice unites the Church past, present, and future.

You may have been baptized as a child or during a different stage of life and sometimes the decision to be baptized was made for us by a parent or we were pressured into it by friends. We encourage you to consider being baptized again because you are in a different place spiritually than you were before. Maybe you even grew up in the church and then walked away. We still encourage you to be baptized as a public declaration that you are recommitting your life to Jesus.

Click the button to explore the step of Baptism.